Books by Rainbow Rowell


Well it turns out that Rainbow Rowell is a woman. Fooled me, lol.

She has written more books but these are the 2 that I have read.

Eleanor and Park 

Set back in 1986. Two really neat, well written, unique characters fall in love in high school. 

I would really like a follow-up novel but it doesn't look like Rainbow Rowell does that. Too Bad!  That is why I only give it an 8/10 because I really didn't feel like their story was done. Very good read.

Opinion rating 8/10


Follows Cath and her twin sister, Wren to college. Cath is a blogger and huge Simon Snow fan (think Harry Potter). Cath is a loner and her sister was freedom and wants to party. Lots of well developed characters but the story is from Cath's point of view. 

Very well written and again very well developed characters. I liked how it ended. 

Opinion rating 9/10


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